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Student Staff Update: Matthew Mogish

By May 26, 2015IJM, Student Staff
This last semester I worked with a team of two other students on a project for International Justice Mission. This project was similar to projects I worked on in the past, but with one major complication: the cases we were to assess had not been translated into English. This revelation immediately forced the team to reevaluate how we were going to accomplish what we had been asked to do. We chose to break down the general elements of the project and try to assess each part and then put all the individual research together into a completed package.  It was difficult to find information and statutes relevant and on point. Yet, the team was diligent and steadfast and ultimately able to pull together a work product that was beneficial to IJM.

Working on projects of this nature is why I joined the Center. I wanted to work on projects dealing with real issues for real people that might not have an easy answer. The Center has given me that opportunity and blessed me with invaluable experience in how the process of assisting other nations in the development of law works.