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Student Staff Update: Kolleen Daniels

By May 21, 2015IJM, Student Staff
Q.  Are you working independently or on a team?  How has that experience been?
A.  I worked with three other students on a project for International Justice Mission Thailand where we assisted the officer’s efforts to obtain citizenship for individuals who were at risk of being victims of human trafficking, namely the hill tribe people.  It was a positive experience working with others who shared the same goal. 

Q.  What made you sign up to be a student staff member with the Center?
A.  I joined the Center for Global Justice because I have been blessed in my own life with individuals who have helped me in difficult times.  I wanted to devote my time to an organization where I know my efforts would go towards doing the same for others. 

Q.  How did you balance work for the Center with other law school work?
A.  I did most of my hours on the weekend when I was not interning or in class. 

Q.  What have you learned from being a student staff member with the Center?
A.    I think that I learned when you work together with others small amounts of time can turn into very successful and meaningful projects. 

Q.  How does your research work for the Center differ from your typical studies?
A.   My research included both foreign and international law.  Most of my typical internship and school research focused on domestic law. 

Q.  How do you cope with working with such sensitive subject matter?
A.   I believe compassion and professionalism are essential in dealing with any touchy legal situation.  I followed the same approach in my work with the Center.

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