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This summer, I have had the unique privilege of interning with Alliance Defending Freedom at their New Delhi office. ADF- India serves a powerful role in Indian society as the organization works towards the promotion of human rights, specifically working towards the protection of religious liberty. In these first two weeks of my internship, I have become immersed in learning about the Indian legal system— researching the Indian Constitution, Statutory laws enacted by the twenty-nine states of India, and the Supreme Court of India’s decisions. The other ADF interns and I have attended several interesting hearings at the Indian District Courts and High Courts and later this summer, we will view one of ADF’s cases argued at the Supreme Court of India.
This internship has also provided me with the opportunity to deepen my understanding and awareness of the issues surrounding religious intolerance. It’s been an eye-opening experience to both read and hear the stories of those who have been victims of communal violence. This summer has certainly left me with a sense of conviction about needing to take my faith more seriously and deep gratitude for the freedom I have to practice my Christian faith, at home in Virginia, without fear of persecution. I’m thankful to be interning with this incredible organization and I look forward to all of the experiences the remaining four weeks of my internship will bring!
This post was written by a Center for Global Justice Intern. The views expressed in this post do not necessarily reflect those of Regent University, Regent Law School, or The Center for Global Justice.