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Uganda Fellowship Update from Chelsea Mack

During my first week of work in Uganda, I was able to spend a day with Peter from one of the Center’s partner organizations, Kyampisi Childcare Ministries (KCM). Our time together was filled with planning work projects for the next year, meeting the KCM staff, and touring the 14-acre campus owned by the ministry. There is a lot of construction happening right now for new facilities for the children they serve. I was completely blown away by the depth of services that the ministry provides to child sacrifice victims.

One of my favorite parts of the tour was visiting their prayer mountain. Kyampisi, the location of the ministry, was once the primary area where witch doctors lived and this mountain was the area where they performed many human sacrifices. When KCM settled in, they were able to purchase the land, placed a cross on top of the rock where sacrificing took place, and now have intercessors pray from the mountain every week. They eventually plan to relocate their church to the mountain. This mountain is a true example of the light of Christ entering into the darkest places to bring hope and life.

I am honored and humbled to be able to serve alongside this ministry as well as alongside the faithful staff members of the DPP.

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