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Update on Child Sacrifice Victims in Uganda

By April 9, 2016December 16th, 2019Kyampisi, Uganda
Two weeks ago, we let you know about Hope, a young Ugandan girl rescued from kidnapping and torture.  Our partner organization, Kyampisi Childcare Ministries (KCM), will go back to Rakai magistrates court this week where more witnesses, including Hope’s parents, will give their testimonies.  Please pray for safe travels and of God’s continued hand on this case.

Also please pray for a new child sacrifice/murder case in Uganda. We don’t have all the facts, but we know the case involves the murder of a three-month old child by the child’s father. Thanks to a legal letter drafted by the Center for Global Justice, KCM was able to convince the prosecutor to add the charge of aggravated trafficking. Moreover, thanks to another letter drafted by the Center for Global Justice, the court is moving the case along expeditiously to ensure that justice is done.

Please pray for justice and for our partner, KCM.