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Student Staff Project Update: Olga Pazilova

By April 12, 2016December 16th, 2019ADF, Student Staff
Olga Pazilova, Class of 2018
I joined Center for Global Justice Student Staff in January 2016, and it has been one of the best law school experiences for me so far. I had the opportunity to attend several interesting events, including a Women’s Rights Symposium; I have a great international internship this summer, all thanks to the Center. But most importantly, I joined because I strongly believe in the Center’s mission and admire the work it does: fighting human trafficking, advocating equal justice, promoting Rule of Law, etc.  I believe it is important for us, as legal professionals, to be the voice for those who suffer from oppression and discrimination. This is why I joined Center’s Student Staff; I wanted to be a part of the organization that strives to change the world for the better.

I currently work on a very interesting project. I am, along with two other students, monitoring all new cases that come before the European Court of Human Rights for the purpose of identifying cases on which Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) might want to intervene. ADF is a nonprofit legal organization that advocates for people’s right to practice their faith, among other things. Thus, we primarily look for cases concerning religious freedom. While reviewing the cases, however, I get chance to read through all kinds of international cases concerning every area of law. It’s been very interesting learning experience to read about different laws and procedures in other countries, and about different struggles people going through in different parts of the world.

Olga Pazilova, Class of 2018