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Student Staff Update: Stephanie Hansen

The main project I worked on was the Shared Hope Project.  This project focused on compiling and organizing vast amounts of information regarding the status of state laws that would be used to assist victims of human trafficking as well as prosecute those responsible for the crime. I won’t go into detail about the specifics of the project since others have already done this, but I will say that Shared Hope does amazing work in its effort against human trafficking.  By assisting in researching and compiling information that helps to hold states accountable for their laws regarding human trafficking, I felt truly blessed to be able to be a part of this great ongoing project.

The experience I had researching and confirming data collected by Shared Hope regarding state laws on human trafficking helped me to understand the importance of well drafted and well thought-out legislation.  Shared Hope seeks to encourage states to strengthen their laws so that victims are given hope and criminals are prosecuted for their crimes accordingly. I was blessed to be a part of this project and the Center for Global Justice, Human Rights, and the Rule of Law, and as a graduate I look forward to ways I can continue to support this type of work in the future.