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Student Staff Update: Pamela Dodge

By May 13, 2015Student Staff
Since the first mission trip I served on, the Lord has grown in my heart a passion for serving the poor overseas. Alongside this passion, I have—for as long as I can remember—wanted to study law.

Two years ago, I visited Regent University to attend the Center for Global Justice Symposium, and I saw for the first time how these passions could be intertwined. Not only could they be intertwined, but they must be intertwined to truly serve the poor around the world. Caring about human rights for the poor is directly related to caring about functioning public justice systems.

I chose to go to Regent University because I view law as my preparation for the service that God has called me to. Now, after only a semester of law school, I am serving organizations around the world through my study of law.

This semester I had the privilege of working with an incredible organization in East Africa. (The specific names are omitted for security purposes.) Our team of three student staff members conducted research related to sexual violence, particularly sexual violence against children.  We researched local laws and penal codes, United States Supreme Court cases, and international law, including U.N. declarations and protocols.

Although rape and other crimes of sexual violence are against the law in this country, the citizens are not receiving the protection of these laws because of a breakdown of the criminal justice system. There is inconsistency in the evidence required for arrest and prosecution, so many perpetrators walk free and many victims never speak up.

Our team’s research culminated in a PowerPoint to be used for training prosecutors and judges, as well as law enforcement officers. This research will help lay the groundwork for the consistent application of laws that protect the innocent against sexual violence.

I can hardly believe that after only a semester of law school I have this opportunity to serve an incredible organization in East Africa.  It is truly a blessing to serve on the Student Staff of the Center for Global Justice.

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