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The Journal of Global Justice and Public Policy Publishes First Edition

Thanks to Aaron Lindquist, Editor-in-Chief of the Regent Journal of Global Justice & Public Policy, for an update on the first edition of the journal:
The Journal of GlobalJustice and Public Policy has released its very first issue. The Journal was established in 2014, as the result of the merger between the Regent Journal of International Law and the Regent Journal of Law and Public Policy. The Journal serves to fill the void in the global justice field by publishing articles, notes, comments, and book reviews by practitioners, professors, and students from a Christian perspective.
The Journal’s first issue is an eclectic mix of articles, student notes, and symposium transcripts. Regent University School of Law Dean Jeffrey Brauch introduces the Journal and talks about its importance, its unique mission, and the aspirations for the Journal. The articles address the effect of asylum’s nexus clause on individuals seeking asylum in the United States on persecution grounds and the politicization of Cameroon’s judicial system. The student notes address the effects sex-selective abortion in India has on girls and the need for self-regulation within the Indian medical profession; and why governments across the globe do not need to promulgate further regulations to effectively regulate Bitcoin. The symposium transcripts contain remarks from the Center for Global Justice, Human Rights, and the Rule of Law’s ® 3rd Annual Symposium on Advancing the Rule of Law in East Africa. The transcripts address overcoming barriers in advancing the rule of law and lessons learned from African law and culture.
As the Editor-in-Chief of a new journal, it is exciting to see the hard work everyone has put into getting the Journal off the ground come to fruition in the form of our first publication. It has been a challenging, and sometimes frustrating, task to move a brand new journal in the right direction. However, the hard work of my excellent staff has made that possible. I am excited at the thought of future issues contributing to the global justice field by speaking “up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute.” Proverbs 31:8. By addressing topics from a Christian worldview, the Journal adds a unique perspective to the world of legal academic scholarship regarding global justice. 
The Journal is affiliated with the Center for Global Justice. It is exciting to work with such a similarly minded organization. The Journal co-sponsored the Center’s 4th Annual Symposium on Human Rights and the Sexualization of Culture on February 21, 2015. Additionally, the Journal will be publishing transcripts of the Center’s symposia going forward. The Center has also provided material for the Journal’s blog and will be a consistent contributor to the Journal’s print publication and online presence. The opportunity to draw on the strengths of each organization ensures that both will better accomplish their missions and objectives. I look forward to seeing how this affiliation allows each organization to do great things in the Global Justice field!

 Click here to learn more about the Journal of Global Justice and Public Policy