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IJM’s First Rescue Operation in Ghana Frees 10 Children from Slavery

By March 30, 2015Uncategorized
Breaking news about the first rescue of International Justice Mission’s new Ghana office!
Dear  Friend,
This week we worked with officials in Ghana to rescue 10 boys from slavery in the fishing industry.
Ghana boat
Throughout the weekend, we were receiving ongoing reports from the frontlines. On the first morning our team found and rescued one boy named Gideon,* who our investigators first met in 2013.
Significant obstacles beyond our control set us back, and unfortunately it was too late to search for more children. So we consulted with the police and other officials, and decided that together we would go back the next day.
The next day our team set out at 3:00 AM and targeted a cove with several wooden fishing boats. Children as young as 5 were hard at work, pulling in nets with their tiny but strong arms. We helped police rescue them and bring them to safety.
The boys were initially exhausted, hungry and afraid. But throughout the weekend, the boys eventually became energetic, laughing and constantly asking to play soccer.
Our supporters and friends have made this beautiful beginning of freedom possible.
This is our first rescue operation in Ghana, but it won’t be the last. We are so grateful you’re in this journey with us.
Sean Litton
Senior Vice President of Justice Operations