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Our Kids Are Not for Sale in Virginia

By January 12, 2015Uncategorized
The Kids Are Not For Sale in Virginia Coalition  (KANFS) is a collective effort between Virginia law enforcement, prosecutors, and advocacy groups to advocate for the passage and enactment of a sex trafficking statute during the 2015 Virginia General Assembly Session.  As a member of the Coalition, the Center for Global Justice invites you to join KANFS for their upcoming “Social Media Lobby Day.” 

This sex trafficking standalone bill is to be introduced by Delegate Hugo (40th District) and Senator Obenshain (26th District), and will establish the criminal offense of sex trafficking in Virginia. A wide coalition advocating for this important piece of legislation demonstrates the commitment Virginians have to ending sex trafficking in their state.

Ways you can support the Kids Are Not for Sale in VA Campaign
  1. Sign up for the Thunderclap, which will go live on Wednesday, January 21, at 10:30am EST. Thunderclap is a free social media service that allows KANFS to simultaneously broadcast a message on hundreds of Facebook and Twitter accounts, reaching an audience of the combined followers of all the Twitter and Facebook accounts who broadcasted the message.

  2. Become an On Call Advocate by attending the committee meeting when the sex trafficking bill is up for a vote.  In order to show the Virginia General Assembly that Virginians support this important legislation, KANFS needs advocates who are willing to be “on call” to attend the committee meeting when the bill is up for a vote. If you are interested in becoming an on call advocate, please email with the subject line “On call advocate,” to be notified when the committee meeting is scheduled.

  3. Call your Virginia legislators today, and ask them to vote in favor of the bill and serve as a Co-Patron. One of the most important ways you can support this legislation is to contact your state delegate and senator to let him or her know that you, as their constituent, would like them to vote in favor of the bill.
  4. Call, email, or tweet your legislator! Find your representative’s contact information for the House or Senate. If you are uncertain who your legislators are, follow this link, and type in your address.

  5. Spread the word to your family, friends, faith community, neighbors, and coworkers!