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Intern Update 6/4/12 (Monica Bailey)

Monica Bailey, 3L

Hope for Justice 
Human Trafficking 
United Kingdom

Today completes my first full week in the office. During that time I have:
1. Learned how to navigate my way to the office from the tram stop
2. Figured out the denominations of all my coin money without having to read each coin before giving it to the poor clerk in a shop
3. Learned that yogurt here is actually made with heavy cream and while it is delicious – it is not GOOD for you 4. Been privileged to be part of staff prayer and meetings, which are deeply encouraging and very insightful

Currently, I am wrapping up a summary of Federal anti-trafficking laws. I will be broadening my focus to some specific states that I have been asked to research and pull out what they are doing well and what they are missing when tackling the issue of human trafficking. My supervisor has asked me if I would be interested in attending a day of meetings in London with some UK government groups that Hope for Justice is making contact with in June. My answer, of course, is YES. The staff are so generous with their help and knowledge. They are truly inspirational in their dedication and steadfast, cheerful attitudes toward each other and those they serve. What a great team!

This week, I would like to ask prayer for the Legal Team at Hope for Justice. The attorney, Phillipa, works very hard to help victims navigate through the UK legal process. Her interns are Sara and Rebecca. They are a great team and have all given me tips and information I have needed for the research project I am here to complete. Please pray they would not grow weary as they work with victims and law enforcement. Please pray for discernment for them as they interview people and visit potential restorative care facilities.

Many thanks to those who have prayed for me and have made this internship possible! Until next time….

          – Monica Bailey, 6/4/12