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Hi! I am Samantha Zenker, a 2L at Regent University School of
Law! One of the most impactful and beneficial activities the Center of
Global Justice provides to me as a student worker are the monthly
lunch sessions. Each month, sometimes twice a month, the Center
brings in a speaker that works in the human rights field in some

The speakers are generally working in third world countries, or
underdeveloped countries, where it is easy for individuals’ human
rights to be violated since there is underdeveloped governments, law
enforcement, and infrastructure. These organizations the speakers are
working towards establishing resources for promoting the end of human trafficking and/or spreading awareness of human rights violations and steps to combat the violations.

I never thought of living in a different country to do human rights work, with the exception of London, until I heard one of our recent speakers Leah Henck who was a former attorney for Freedom Firm and talked about the work Freedom Firm does in India against human trafficking. Hearing how the culture in India is the biggest contributing factor in trafficking made me realize the uphill better Freedom Firm has in combating trafficking in that area.

The monthly lunches the Center provides are a great educational and networking experience. The lunches allow me to learn about human rights work being done all over the globe, the extent of the work being done, and the ability to talk to individuals doing the work that I am passionate about and fighting the same battle.

Written by Samantha Zenker, a Clerk for the Center for Global Justice