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Post written by Alexander Daniels – “Real Work and Real People: STOP Human Trafficking”

Real Work Author

An Opportunity

The Center for Global Justice has been a refreshing step into the practical world, which has allowed me to do real work on real issues.

Going through my first year of law school has not been easy. After coming from undergraduate where I was heavily involved in campus life and in my community, I have been focusing primarily on my studies and have struggled to find ways to impact the world around me.

The Center for Global Justice has given me that opportunity in a way I never expected. I imagined that I could not get to start using my skills to have a real impact until at least my second year.

Working with Shared Hope International

            I have gotten to serve with Shared Hope International, an international organization working to end human trafficking. Specifically, I have been working with their Report Cards on Child & Youth Sex Trafficking Program, working to update national report cards. I take a specific issue and analyze how the laws in each of the fifty states address the issue, filling out a rubric to give each state a grade on their approach to human trafficking.

            I love doing this kind of work because I get to use my legal skills to join in the fight against Human Trafficking as early as my first year. Joining the fight against Human Trafficking has been a desire of mine for years, and it was part of the reason I chose Regent University. Now, I have been delighted to get to serve in this fight so soon.


             My work became especially impactful for me over this past weekend when our Journal for Global Justice and Public Policy hosted a symposium on human trafficking, bringing in, among other groups, a speaker from Shared Hope International . Shared Hope International presented its Report Cards program and the impact it has had on states—a striking improvement in laws nationwide. I got to listen to this presentation with a feeling of pride, knowing that I have helped continue this great program. It is a pleasure to serve with Shared Hope because I know that my work is making a difference by impacting real people and real lives. 

This post was written by a Center for Global Justice student staff member.  The views expressed in this post do not necessarily reflect those of Regent University, Regent Law School, or the Center for Global Justice.