Post by: Colton Francoeur

I am currently in Pohang, South Korea, interning at Handong International Law School (HILS), a Christian law school that focuses on U.S. and international law. My internship work so far entails doing research and editing for HILS professors. I am involved in a few projects at this time and will be starting another one very soon. Two of these research projects have to do with U.S. COVID-19 policy: government-imposed restrictions and government’s vaccine oversight/response, respectively. The upcoming project will likely entail researching how the U.S. has dealt with mass migration. It will then be compared with how Korea has responded to mass migration, based on research being done by a Korean student here. I did remote work for two weeks (during quarantine), and I have been in-person one week. I have already learned so much through my work and through conversations. Working on various projects for different law professors has kept me very busy, but the content is very interesting and I like the pace.
I arrived in Seoul almost three weeks ago and had to spend two weeks in quarantine there, per South Korean travel policy. Those two weeks were an interesting experience in themselves and made for a more gradual transition into Korean life and culture, which before now, I had almost no experience with. I am enjoying it very much, though. I have been so impressed by the hospitality and kindness that HILS professors and students have shown me and the other Regent intern. They are all very generous and have made us feel so welcome in this country. The professors in particular have showed great care for us and treated us like family. I am very thankful to God for this incredible opportunity and for everyone He has put in my life here.
This post was written by a Center for Global Justice Intern. The views expressed in this post do not necessarily reflect those of Regent University, Regent Law School, or the Center for Global Justice.