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Post by: Austin Coad

Steadfast in their Pursuit

So much has already been said and written to recognize the strange and crazy times we live in. I will not disagree with any of those sentiments, because they are true. These are strange and crazy times. However, through the uncertainty, I am thankful that there are organizations like the one I am proud to be working that are remaining steadfast in their pursuit to fight against injustices around the world.

I am excited to again be working on a project for the International Justice Mission (IJM). IJM is an international, non-profit organization that is working to combat slavery and human trafficking. Part of the work IJM does includes equipping prosecutors and law enforcement with the information and procedure they need to know in order to successfully bring the people exploiting humans to justice.

My work this year involves researching what evidence is needed for prosecutors in Eastern Europe to present in order to convict human traffickers. The end goal is to create accessible reference cards or guides that prosecutors in Eastern Europe can turn to and know immediately what evidence is necessary.

Organizations, such as the United Nations and the United States Justice Department, have already done great work to create guides for law enforcement and prosecutors to reference, and a lot of my research has led me to compile those guides and see if they can be helpful to law enforcement in Eastern Europe.

The work of IJM is incredible and I am eager to do my part to help further their mission.  

This post was written by a Center for Global Justice Student Staff member. The views expressed in this post do not necessarily reflect those of Regent University, Regent Law School, or the Center for Global Justice.