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Post by: David Spring

A Global Perspective of Justice

This summer I have been blessed with the opportunity to work as a legal intern with Project Expedite Justice (PEJ). PEJ is a non-profit, non-government organization whose mission is to pursue justice for victims of gross human rights violations when no other means are available. This organization is based out of Kona, Hawaii, but I have been working remotely from Virginia. My primary duties include reviewing and organizing evidence in preparation for cases and settlement negotiation as directed by lead attorneys.

During this internship, I have learned about how complicated and frustrating it can be to provide legal remedies to people who so desperately deserve it. Yet, when speaking with those most affected which legal remedies would best make them whole again; unanimously, their response was, “an apology.” I think if anyone steps outside of their identity and ego, moves past their titles and property to look beyond their defeats and victories, can see how Christ-like these words were. It was a beautiful answer to an ugly situation.

I am grateful for the opportunity to learn because of the Center for Global Justice and PEJ. I pray that others can benefit from a few examples of how God has spoken to me during this experience. Things I once did not notice I now begin to see. As my daughter is playing in a tub full of water; a child somewhere else goes to bed thirsty. When I don’t know which book I should read to her; there is also a child with no books, no lights, and a parent who was never taught to read. As I sing to my daughter about “Old McDonald”; there are people singing to their children about the war that is their life, that “They may take everything from us, but we will never, ever, give up.”

Let us never forget our duty as Children of God to help our brothers and sisters.

This post was written by a Center for Global Justice Intern. The views expressed in this post do not necessarily reflect those of Regent University, Regent Law School, or the Center for Global Justice.