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Post by: Hannah Lillemo

Hannah Lillemo

This summer I am interning with the General Counsel’s office for Cru, more commonly known as Campus Crusade for Christ.  Cru mentors and sends missionaries to almost two hundred countries to reach people with the gospel.  However, these missionaries need backup on the home front when it comes to legal logistics, which the General Counsel provides.  Its team supports the field missionaries in the areas of intellectual property, real estate, contract, corporate, and business law. 

I have been tasked with projects in a variety of fields, ranging from intellectual property to business law.  Whether it’s keeping the contract team abreast of changes in independent contractor/ employee statutes or reading privacy policies for potential new apps, I am usually juggling four or five projects at a time in different legal areas—which has been a learning curve.  I’ve been able to talk with different attorneys in the office about how they juggle their workload and learn which material to prioritize, advice I have greatly appreciated.  I am also learning to be flexible.  Because the internship moved online, my days are full of Zoom meetings that are constantly rearranged due to changes in people’s schedules.  However, on the flip side, Zoom provides the ability for the entire office to meet weekly, making for a hilarious 40-person Zoom call filled with anecdotes and witty quips from staff members. 

Another aspect of this internship that has been truly worthwhile is the personal mentorship.  The people at Cru truly love the Lord and encourage others to follow in those footsteps.  I have slotted times each week to meet with two different mentors who work with me in growth areas and spend time listening to and praying with me.  Also, every supervisor I meet with regarding a project asks me how I am and ways in which he or she can be praying for me.  It has illustrated to me yet again how being a Christian should impact every area of one’s life, most notably conduct in one’s profession. 

This post was written by a Center for Global Justice Intern. The views expressed in this post do not necessarily reflect those of Regent University, Regent Law School, or the Center for Global Justice.