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Post by: Jillian Schinzing

My name is Jillian Schinzing and I am a 2L here at Regent University School of Law. One of my favorite parts of being at Regent is the ability to work with the Center for Global Justice. I love that as students we get the opportunity to work on real projects for organizations that are seeking to fight for Biblical justice. Isaiah 1:17 says, “Learn to do good; seek justice, reprove the ruthless, defend the orphan, plead for the widow.” It’s such a privilege that the Lord calls us to work alongside him to fight for those who can’t fight for themselves. God is all powerful and all knowing, yet, allows us to be his hands and feet, commanding us to do good. Scripture says the world will know us by our love, that is, the Love of God in us. Fighting for justice, defending the widow, and pleading for the poor are such important ways we can show the love of God to a hurting world.

As a student staff member, I finished working on a project for Christian Legal Fellowship in Canada, helping fight for religious freedom in Quebec. This past semester, I started assisting with a project for International Justice Mission (IJM) in Uganda. My team’s task is to create a memo for IJM that shows a comparative study of how different countries handle sexual violence against children (SVAC) in their trial processes. I specially am researching how Ghana courts handle sexual violence against children. I am looking at the process, the timeline, and issues that arise in these cases. My goal is to compare both how urban and rural systems handle these trials and seek justice for the children.

I’m very excited to be working on a project with the center for Uganda. I was lucky enough to have spent 3 months in Africa in the fall of 2016 doing missions work in South Africa, Lesotho, and Swaziland (now known as Eswatini). This past summer I got to spend 2 months working with the Department of Public Prosecutions in Uganda as a legal intern. Because of my experiences there, Africa has a special place in my heart. It was during my time spent in Africa in 2016 that I felt a call from the Lord to go to law school and to seek and serve the lost. I specially worked in children’s home, orphanages, and care points. The picture attached is from my time spent working in the care points in Swaziland. I knew after my time spend there that the Lord was calling me to serve in the area of human rights and specially defend the weakest among us, children.  My goal is to do as the Lord commands, to love him, and “love your neighbor as yourself.” (Matthew 22:39)

This post was written by a Center for Global Justice student staff member.  The views expressed in this post do not necessarily reflect those of Regent University, Regent Law School, or the Center for Global Justice.