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Post by: Kalina Speaks

Kalina Speaks

My name is Kalina Speaks, and I am a 1L at Regent. I am closing out my first semester with the Center for Global Justice, and I am so thankful to have been given the opportunity to work as a staff member.

My project this semester was focused on researching the human trafficking laws of Middle Eastern countries. Justice Ventures International is the organization my team was working with. They saw an increase in trafficking from India and Nepal and wanted to research what laws the Middle Eastern countries had in place to aid in the return of those trafficked into those countries.

Of the countries I researched, I was excited to see that the countries that were focusing on expanding women’s rights were the countries that were ranked higher in their efforts to eradicate human trafficking. Sometimes, I think countries can be so focused on fixing the “hot topic” issues and forget to fight the battles close to home as well.

How we treat people, all people, is an important part of how we will treat those who are brought into our country as well. If countries and nations can respect all humans as created in the image of God, as given human rights just by being human, I believe that efforts to stop these crimes, sex trafficking, forced labor, and abuse of persons to name a few, will increase, and we will see a decline in those crimes.

This post was written by a Center for Global Justice Student Staff Member. The views expressed in this post do not necessarily reflect those of Regent University, Regent Law School, or the Center for Global Justice.