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Post by: Deanna Joy Longjohn

The past year and a half I have had the honor of doing research and an internship through the Center for Global Justice. This organization has helped me to learn more about the fight for justice and all that it entails. My experiences with this organization have helped me develop a deeper appreciation for those who are behind the scenes researching these deep issues. The Center has also helped me to appreciate the deep need for more research and hard figures on the prevalence of human trafficking around the world.

My experiences with the Center have helped to humble my heart and helped me to rely on the Lord. The difficult research and topics have taught me that I cannot handle this work on my own. The work of justice is the Lord’s work and He graciously allows us to join in the fight. The Lord is justice and demands perfection. Since I am a flawed human being my work cannot compare to His standard. In order to do the work of justice in a worthy manner, I must trust in the Lord to work through me and not rely on my own striving and efforts. This has been a difficult and humbling lesson but a great one. The Center and the work it has allowed me to do has provided me this lesson.

The Center has also encouraged me in the fight for justice by helping me see that there are many people that desire to fight for justice. Working alongside my amazing colleges and friends on these difficult projects has been a true blessing. Seeing the passion for justice that the Lord has sparked in them has renewed my fire. It has been a blessing getting to know many other men and women who care so passionately about a variety of human rights and rule of law abuses. I am so excited to see where their career paths lead them and where the Lord is going to use them to impact the world for His kingdom.

Finally, through the many events and projects that the Center has undertaken over the past two years I have learned about a variety of human rights issues that I was previously unaware of. I have learned about the issue of access to rights in India through the Justice Ventures International project. I have learned about human trafficking in organs through a presentation put on by the Center. I have also learned about the severity of violence against women in Uganda and the need for a comprehensive response to fight the injustice. I would not have learned about these issues without the Center.

I am so grateful for my time at Regent and my time with the Center for Global Justice. I pray for its success and its deep commitment to the call to justice.

This post was written by a Center for Global Justice Student Staff Member. The views expressed in this post do not necessarily reflect those of Regent University, Regent Law School, or the Center for Global Justice.