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Post by: Jillian Schinzing
Jillian Schinzing, a student staff member of Regent University School of Law’s Center for Global Justice. My name is Jillian Schinzing and I’m a 2L here at Regent University School of Law. This semester I am working as a student staff member for the Center for Global Justice, where I have been fortunate enough to continue to work on a project for Christian Legal Fellowship (CLS) in Canada. I have continued my research into how international courts and legal bodies, including the United Nations Court of Human Rights and the European Court of Human Rights, have approached laws which restrict the wearing of religious clothing and symbols for government employees.
CLF is working on responding to Quebec’s Bill 21, which was just passed this summer, banning all government employees from wearing religious clothing or symbols in the workplace. This religious clothing ban includes all forms of clothing and jewelry. Things like cross necklaces, Jewish kippah’s, and Muslim hijabs, will all be banned in the workplace of government officials. The goal of this Bill 21 was to make all government employees neutral in their position as representatives of the state. However, this Bill instead of promoting freedom of religion, strips government employees of their right to manifest their own religion. Christian Legal Fellowship is trying to fight against Quebec’s Bill 21 because freedom of religion and the manifestation of that religion should be one of the most protected rights in society.
In November of 2016 I spent a month in Vietnam doing missions work. Although Vietnam is not as hostile to Christians as nations like China, believers in that country still receive persecution. While there I talked to many pastors about the abuse they have received at the hand of their own government because of their beliefs. Since hearing of this persecution, I became very passionate about religious freedom worldwide. I’m thankful to be a small part of working toward religious liberty and the ability to manifest that sincere faith for all.
This post was written by a Center for Global Justice student staff member.  The views expressed in this post do not necessarily reflect those of Regent University, Regent Law School, or the Center for Global Justice.