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Post by: Deanna Longjohn
Deanna Longjohn, a student staff member of Regent University School of Law’s Center for Global Justice.This semester I have the honor of researching a couple of questions for International Justice Mission, Eastern Europe. International Justice Mission (IJM) is an international non-profit that fights violence against the poor. Their goal is to end injustice against the poor by fixing nations’ justice systems. Over the summer I had the honor of interning with IJM and it was an amazing experience. I am excited to be able to keep assisting the organization through this research project.
I am currently researching the provisions for civil compensation for victims of human trafficking that is set by the National Referral Mechanism. The National Referral Mechanism is a UK based framework that identifies victims of human trafficking and connects them with resources such as the Salvation Army and Legal Aid. Once victims are identified on substantial grounds as victims of human trafficking they are given a 45-day recovery and reflection period. Throughout this time-period they are able to work on legal issues surrounding their abuse. They are also able to process their abuse and begin the recovery process. The civil compensation for victims are done through torts and contract law.
This project has been of great interest to me since I am currently taking a Trafficking in Persons class through Regent Law’s MA program. In the class I have been learning about the United State’s criminal and civil provisions for trafficking victims. The United States provisions for human trafficking were put into place in 2000 by the legislature’s Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act (2000). The following re-authorization in 2003 added in civil remedies specifically for human trafficking.
The availability of civil remedies allowed survivors of human trafficking to directly confront their traffickers instead of having to rely on criminal proceedings by the state. The availability of civil remedies allows the survivor to feel empowered by having control of the case. Criminal remedies are beneficial, but they are taken out of the survivor’s control. The civil suit allows the survivor to be empowered and seek remedies that they want. 
I am so thankful to the Center for Global Justice for the ability to research interesting topics for a worthy cause. My experience at the Center has been such a blessing and I am so thankful and honored to be able to serve in this research capacity.
This post was written by a Center for Global Justice Student Staff Member. The views expressed in this post do not necessarily reflect those of Regent University, Regent Law School, or the Center for Global Justice.