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Post by: Lindsey Carpenter
My name is Lindsey Carpenter I am currently working on a project for ADF India concerning free speech laws. The ability to possess free speech is one of humanity’s most cherished rights, however this project has illustrated to me that there are global attempts to inhibit free speech. Although these attempts may be well intentioned, the fact still remains that any prohibition on free speech will cause those in power to target certain political, social, or religious groups that do not agree with the mainstream point of view.
An historical analysis reveals that Communist countries such as the previous U.S.S.R. and modern-day China actively prohibit free speech in order to advance a political agenda. As a result, the world observed how, in the U.S.S.R. members of the underground church were persecuted because they refused to alter the teachings of the Christian faith. Or even today in China, political dissenters are often specifically targeted by anti-free speech laws in the name of political unity.
At the end of the day, the good-intention behind free speech restrictions does more harm to society than it does good. The restriction of a society’s ability to allow the free flow of thoughts and ideas naturally causes only one idea to be promulgated- the idea of the political party in power. In order to ensure a continued system that preserves one’s ability to express herself freely, free speech cannot be inhibited.
This post was written by a Center for Global Justice student staff member.  The views expressed in this post do not necessarily reflect those of Regent University, Regent Law School, or the Center for Global Justice.