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Post by: Alexandria Overcash
Over the summer, I had the privilege of interning in New Delhi, India for six weeks with Alliance Defending Freedom International. Though my time in India flew by quickly, I was deeply impacted by my experience there and the work that I got to be part of.
The work I was assigned focused on researching religious freedom for minorities and women’s rights within Indian law, international law, and American law. Through my research, I learned the legal side of the issues and was able to provide recommendations on case theories and approaches for upcoming litigations. This experience was invaluable and deepened my passion for international human rights!
My experience in India also exposed me to the level of persecution that is occurring in India right now. I was told countless stories, but no matter how many stories I hear, they always shocked me and devastated me even more. Each new story I heard exposed that the persecution is worsening as time goes on. However, my hope was restored each day as the Lord exposed me to what He is doing in India and how He is present there. The Lord accomplished that in many ways, but particularly by showing me the progress Alliance Defending Freedom is having in their work and the impact they are having. I left India encouraged because I knew that the Lord is using ADF to defend religious minorities and to ensure that the spread of the Gospel is not hindered!
This post was written by a Center for Global Justice intern.  The views expressed in this post do not necessarily reflect those of Regent University, Regent Law School, or the Center for Global Justice.