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Post by: Taylor Wise
My name is Taylor Wise and I am a 2L student here at Regent University School of Law. I am grateful to have the opportunity to serve on the student staff for the Center for Global Justice. Serving on the student staff has been a great way to not only gain practical experience in legal research and writing, but to do work that can be utilized to benefit others. 
This semester through the Center, I am working on a project for Shared Hope International that supports their efforts in combating human trafficking in the United States through reforming state laws. Specifically, I have been conducting statutory research on training requirements related to child sex trafficking for various states. Examples of what training is required to cover based on current state statutes include the resources available to victims; the legal rights and remedies available to victims; the identification of victims or those at risk; victim trauma; mandatory reporting requirements; and how to promote the safety of the victim.
Occupational fields that are statutorily mandated to undergo training on child sex trafficking seem for the most part to be those who deal with children on a regular basis. I find this to be an important aspect to these training statutes because it targets those individuals who are most likely to come into contact with victims or potential victims and be able to get them the help that they need.
Proper training is important in helping individuals within organizations such as child welfare agencies, juvenile justice agencies, law enforcement, and others to effectively address and identify child sex trafficking situations. Because child sex trafficking is a largely hidden crime it is all the more important to bring awareness to the issue so that victims may be identified and rescued, as well as properly cared for. Overall, these training statutes are one way in which child sex trafficking may be ended through bringing attention to the issue and helping individuals most effectively identify and assist the victims.
This post was written by a Center for Global Justice student staff member.  The views expressed in this post do not necessarily reflect those of Regent University, Regent Law School, or the Center for Global Justice.