Post by: Sarah Stefaniak

Throughout the internship, I was tasked with researching and forming legal tips that could then be sent out to all pregnancy centers that are supported by NIFLA. I was also given cases to read and brief for my bosses so they could learn about all recent court opinions that had an effect on pregnancy centers. One day I was also given the opportunity to research an issue and to then inform my boss what I believed was the right course of legal action.
On top of all this work, I was able to visit the Supreme Court and listen in on the opinions being delivered by the justices. I was able to explore the Supreme Court Law Library as well and meet other attorneys who have argued human rights cases before the Court.
Overall, I received a vast amount of information from this internship and have been blessed by such a great experience. Having now finished the internship, I believe I am better equipped to face the second year of law school; it was a great mix of getting involved in the work I want to do as a lawyer, while also teaching practical skills and knowledge that will be helpful in the classroom. I am excited to see where God takes me next.
This post was written by a Center for Global Justice Intern. The views expressed in this post do not necessarily reflect those of Regent University, Regent Law School, or the Center for Global Justice.