Post by: Tyler Fisher

This summer, made possible through the Center for Global Justice, the other interns and I went to Mongolia, specifically Ulaanbaatar, the capital city, for a week. The trip was led and organized by a professor from Handong International Law School, and was attended by the Regent students, students from Handong, and another professor from Handong. While on that trip, we went to different entities, such as the Mongolian Parliament, where we met the only Christian member of Parliament, Mongolian Constitutional Court, where we met one of the current justices, the Mongolian Supreme Court, the Mongolian Stock Exchange, the Mongolian Banking Association, the Mongolian Chamber of Commerce and International Arbitration Center, as well as the summer home (which was more like a mansion) of the leading historian on the Mongolian nation, especially Genghis Khan. We also participated in several cultural experiences, such as attending a show with traditional Mongol music, including throat singing, visiting the largest equestrian statue in the world, a statue of Genghis Khan riding his horse, staying in a gert (pronounced gair), and riding camels and horses.
Once we got back to Korea from Mongolia, we got settled into our apartments for the summer and the next day we went to one of the places we would be researching, the Women’s Hope Center. The Women’s Hope Center is like a crisis pregnancy center. They offer counseling for women who are pregnant and there are some complications that make having the child difficult, whether it be immigration issues, financial issues, issues with the father of the baby, and things of the like. The Women’s Hope Center also provides housing for their clients that are in need. The Center assists the mothers in taking care of their children, helps them find work, and makes sure that the mothers and children are taken care of. In its course of business, the Women’s Hope Center runs into issues, generally related to immigration and adoption, and those issues make up the projects that myself and the other interns will be working on throughout the course of the summer.
As interns, we will also be researching various topics for the professors of Handong International Law School. These projects have to do with topics such as farming laws in the United States, international infrastructure plans, and international treaties in the United Nations. These projects are ones that will be continued throughout the course of the summer. The research that we are doing will be used to inform and help the international community identify problems, whether they are human rights problems or problems relating to law and economics, so that the problems can be highlighted, and hopefully addressed on a large scale. While the research may feel small in the grand scheme of the world, we trust that the Lord will use it to glorify Him and make His Name greater in all the Earth.
Please continue to pray for us as the novelty of Korea wears off, that we do not get discouraged and continue diligently in what the Lord has placed before us, not becoming complacent.
This post was written by a Center for Global Justice Intern. The views expressed in this post do not necessarily reflect those of Regent University, Regent Law School, or the Center for Global Justice.