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My name is Angela Sterling and I am a 3L student staff member for the Center for Global Justice. I had the privilege of joining the Center for Global Justice last semester as part of the student staff and worked on the Shared Hope project. The new semester has brought me a new project.
Last semester, I worked on the Shared Hope Project. The project consisted of researching individual state legislation regarding child trafficking statutes, Children in Need statutes, responsibilities of individual state’s child protective services, its procedures, and how the legislation applies to create a “caregiver barrier” that can prevent child sex trafficking victims from receiving services.
This semester, I will be working on the Justice Ventures International (JVI) project. Justice Ventures International’s mission is, “to secure freedom, justice, and restoration for the poor and oppressed by strengthening ventures that promote justice.” The organization is founded in the Christian worldview and works with local cultures and leadership to create sustainable justice ventures. The project consists of creating a legal section for the lawyer’s manual that will be used to help obtain government services for the poor in Bihar, India. I am part of a team of student staff that will be researching and drafting the legal guide for each of the 43 entitlements listed in the advocacy manual for the state of Bihar.
I am excited to work on this new project this semester. I have never researched foreign laws or cases before and I am excited and eager to learn new skills working on this project.
This post was written by a Center for Global Justice student staff member.  The views expressed in this post do not necessarily reflect those of Regent University, Regent Law School, or the Center for Global Justice.