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Chelsea’s Child Sacrifice Presentations with APC

Chelsea Mack has been serving as a CGJ Legal Fellow in Uganda since Fall 2017. She was recently asked to present on the topic of child sacrifice and wrote this about her experience:

Over the last several weeks, I was given the opportunity on two different occasions to present on the topic of child sacrifice. The presentation was based on many of my own observations in addition to information that I am learning throughout my fellowship.

The first presentation was one of the sessions in the Policy Lab sessions that the Africa Policy Centre (APC), a Christian Policy Think Tank based within Uganda Christian University (UCU), hosts for faculty, students, and other interested individuals. The APC members asked me to give an introduction to the child sacrifice issue here in Uganda that was followed by an in-depth discussion among the members. The presentation seemed to spark enough interest for APC to decide to commit to raising awareness of the issue and providing other possible assistance to address child sacrifice in Uganda.

Additionally, I was then asked to give a summarized presentation in a brief conference that the APC organized focusing on child sacrifice. I was one of the participants of a panel that consisted of faculty members of UCU. Various members of the media were present for recording and questions as well as selected UCU students and other invitees.

My prayer is that the issue of child sacrifice will continue to be raised in the media, on university campuses, and among Ugandan citizens so that awareness campaigns are no longer needed.

This post was written by a Center for Global Justice Fellow.  The views expressed in this post do not necessarily reflect those of Regent University, Regent Law School, or the Center for Global Justice.