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CGJ Publication Persuades Uganda Parliamentarians to Protect Life

By April 23, 2018December 16th, 2019Uganda
The following post was written by Moriah Schmit, a CGJ student staff member, Law Clerk, and third-year Regent Law student.

The right to life is protected in Uganda’s Constitution, and this right specifically prohibits terminating the life of an unborn child. Last spring, the Center for Global Justice heard that Uganda Parliamentarians were debating whether to legalize abortion in Uganda.

The Center was asked to partner with Uganda Christian University (UCU) in writing a white paper in response to the bill, urging Parliamentarians to choose life. The memo focused on Africa’s unique culture and heritage, encouraging them not to be influenced by Western neo-colonialist theories. We argued that Uganda is not obligated to legalize abortion based on principles of international law nor should it do so as a policy matter. We rejoice that Dr. Senyonyi reported to us that Uganda chose not to move forward with the bill and that our paper played a key part in that decision.

Our research included a summary of the harmful effects of abortion, such as problems with sex-selective abortion and lack of adequate healthcare facilities. We of course also argued that Uganda is not legally obligated to legalize abortion under international or domestic law—contrary to what our opponents—including Planned Parenthood—were saying.

On Friday, April 13, Center Directors Jeff Brauch and Ernie Walton met with the Vice Chancellor of UCU, who shared the great news that Uganda has once again chosen to protect life, in large part because of the memo put together by the Center for Global Justice and UCU. It’s amazing to see what God does with our efforts and research!

This post was written by a Center for Global Justice student staff member.  The views expressed in this post do not necessarily reflect those of Regent University, Regent Law School, or the Center for Global Justice.