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The CGJ Welcomes Mike Donnelly, Director of Global Outreach for the Home School Legal Defense Association

By November 13, 2017December 16th, 2019CGJ in the News, Special Events
On November 6, the Center for Global Justice, Human Rights, and the Rule of Law (CGJ) had the privilege of hosting Mike Donnelly, Staff Attorney and Director of Global Outreach at Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA).

Donnelly coordinates support of parental rights and homeschooling freedom around the world, including in cases before the European Court of Human Rights. During his talk at Regent Law, he explored ideas and theories of international human rights laws, rule of law, and globalization in the practical context of his human rights litigation.

Donnelly recently wrote a paper, “Democracy and Sovereignty vs. International Human Rights: Reconciling the Irreconcilable?” He used this paper as a context to discuss case studies related to parental rights and homeschooling, including Wunderlich v. Germany, the story of a homeschooling family whose children were taken from them because they homeschooled. The case is pending before the court and will have a major impact on human rights and homeschooling in Europe and the World.

Students were educated and challenged to think about the international human rights movement and the conflict between rights and democracy.

Center Executive Director, Jeffrey Brauch, commented: “It was a joy to have Mike Donnelly with us. In addition to talking about home schooling rights, he challenged our students about the need for to find a firm and universal foundation for all of human rights. We look forward to working with him in the months and years to come.”