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Giving Tuesday 2017

By November 8, 2017December 16th, 2019Uganda
Giving Tuesday is a global day of giving celebrated on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving (November 28, 2017). Started in 2012, Giving Tuesday seeks to intentionally shift focus away from commercialized events such as Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

The Center for Global Justice, Human Rights, and the Rule of Law depends on generous donations from people like you to accomplish its mission. By God’s grace, and through your faithful support, we are literally changing the world. Whether combatting child sacrifice in Uganda, fighting sex trafficking around the world, or advancing the rule of law in war-torn African nations, the Center is making a lasting impact in the lives of the oppressed and vulnerable around the globe.

There are two specific areas where we particularly need funding: (1) our Internship/Fellowship Grant Program and (2) the East Africa Initiative.

Internship/Fellowship Grant Program 

Every summer approximately 20 second and third-year law students intern with legal organizations around the globe where they work on combatting sex trafficking, protecting children, securing religious freedom, advancing the rule of law, and related human rights issues. Because many students intern overseas with non-profit legal organizations, students are not paid and their costs are quite high (travel, lodging, food, transportation). The Center awards them a grant of $4,000 to $5,000 to help cover these costs – and ensure that they are not shackled with more debt as they prepare for a career in human rights. Our goal is to raise $100,000 each year to cover the cost of 20 internships. To date, 60 interns have served in countries all over the world, including Cambodia, France, Greece, India, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Mongolia, Pakistan, Nepal, Russia, Rwanda, Uganda, Ghana, Malawi, Ukraine, the United Kingdom, in the Middle East, and throughout the United States. The program has been highly successful, not only because it provides students hands-on legal experience while caring for the oppressed, but also because it has opened partnership opportunities for the Student Staff and has even led to jobs for some of our students. Please visit our intern profiles page to read about some of our past interns. One of the most exciting new developments in the Center is the creation this year of a fellowship program. Under this program, the Center for Global Justice provides recent graduates with a full year of funding to work for a human rights organization. Our fellows receive invaluable legal experience doing work on behalf of the poor and oppressed. Our first two graduates secured fellowships with International Justice Mission Uganda and the Attorney General of Uganda. Donations to the Center for Global Justice Internship/Fellowship Fund help participating interns with living expenses while taking unpaid or low pay internships to expand their real-world experience. Donations marked for individuals are not tax-deductible and should not be given to the individual directly.

The East Africa Initiative 

Our East Africa Initiative is simply a response to God’s leading. Primarily centered in Uganda, South Sudan, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo the Center for Global Justice’s East Africa Initiative is focused on advancing the rule of law and protecting the weak and vulnerable. The Center participates in conferences and training on the rule of law and the practice of lawyering and judging as ministry. The Center has a particularly robust involvement in Uganda. The Center student staff is working on projects involving Uganda and the Center has sponsored numerous internships in Uganda where students work on combatting child sacrifice and land grabbing, among other issues.

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