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Defending the Right to Life

By October 16, 2017December 16th, 2019Uncategorized
One of the CGJ’s five Areas of Focus is protecting children. Whether children are abused, orphaned, sacrificed, or aborted, we must protect them. For the unborn, the CGJ is committed to advocating that they too are human beings who possess the most foundational human right: the right to life. 

Indeed, advocating for the unborn is a direct fulfillment of Scripture’s mandate to “speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves.” Proverbs 31:8.

The United Nations Human Rights Committee recently submitted a new draft General Comment to Article 6’s guarantee of the right to life in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

Shockingly, the Committee’s comment interprets “the right to life” to include an obligation that States provide women access to abortion in certain cases. Thus, rather than recognize that unborn children are included within Article 6, the Committee interpreted Article 6 to include a right to abortion.

Regent Law professors and CGJ directors Jeff Brauch and Ernie Walton, in conjunction with the CGJ Student Staff, submitted a comment to the United Nations Human Rights Committee arguing that abortion is not a protected right under Article 6, Right to Life, of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and that unborn children should be included among the “human beings” to whom the right to life applies.

Several other countries, individuals, and organizations, including one of our partner organizations, ADF International, also drafted comments in an effort to persuade the committee to remove the language with respect to abortion. The Committee is reviewing all of the submissions to its comment and should be deciding whether to revise the draft comment shortly.