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Center for Global Justice Internship Update from Moriah Schmidt in Hawaii

By August 10, 2017December 16th, 2019Hawaii, Internship Grant Program, YWAM

I just finished up six weeks in Hawaii with the University of the Nations Kona’s General Counsel’s Office. I worked on a variety of issues from drafting contracts to researching and writing memos on different topics that affected the organization. The University of the Nations Kona (UNK) has not had on-staff attorneys for very long, though they are a well-established, large non-profit institution with many volunteers and students. I really felt that I was making a difference during my internship, since there were some projects that I got to see basically from the ground up. Until now, I have not had experience working with a non-profit organization, though non-profit law has been a passion of mine since starting law school. I learned so much about what it takes to run a non-profit organization. Here are a few things that I came away with:

  1. Good legal work does not always mean that you see the end of the project, only that you have made a step in the right direction;
  2. When you seek God first for every decision, asking him what source to use for research, what wording to use in a contract, what decision he wants you to reach, not only does productivity increase, but you are engaging in the practice of law as a ministry to God;
  3. God cares about everything, from the biggest project to the smallest detail. He is not bound by space, time, or your lack of knowledge. He can use anyone, anywhere, as long as you are willing. 

It has been a great blessing to work under the leadership of Julie and Allen Anjo, who gave up everything to come serve as full-time volunteer missionaries for UNK (everyone who works for UNK works as a volunteer). I’ve also heard and seen so many testimonies of God providing healing, finances, wisdom, and direction, since that is the way YWAM-ers work (YWAM is over the University of the Nations). Every job can be as fulfilling as this internship was, if God is just put first and all things fall after. I will definitely treasure this internship as a key time of growth spiritually and legally. UNK enables thousands of men and women to encounter God in a real way like never before, going out to the world and making disciples nations. My last Thursday night, at the weekly service called “Ohana Night” (Family Night) we heard from YWAM-ers who would be pioneering bases in unreached parts of the world. It was awesome to see what God is doing in the nations, knowing whatever help I could give this summer assisted these and others in expanding the mission of YWAM “to know God and make Him known.” Please join me in continuing prayer for the Anjo’s and the work that they do at the University of the Nations.

This post was written by Center for Global Justice student intern Moriah Schmidt.  The views expressed in this post do not necessarily reflect those of Regent University, Regent Law School, or the Center for Global Justice.