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Mongolia Study Abroad Program

By July 19, 2017December 16th, 2019Uncategorized
Ernie Walton, Regent Law Assistant Dean of Admissions and Academic & Administrative Director of the Center for Global Justice, Human Rights, & the Rule of Law, along with three Regent Law students, participated in a week-long study abroad program in Mongolia. The program was done in partnership with Handong International Law School in Korea and two Mongolian law schools, the National University and Shihihitug University.

Professor Ernie Walton and Regent Law Students Reagan Hinton, Anna Colby, and Brandan Goodwin

The program focused on the rule of law and business development in Mongolia. Class was taught every morning from 9-12.  Subjects taught included Anti-trust law, International Commercial Arbitration, Mongolian Constitutional law, and Mongolian Business law. Professor Walton taught a class on International Trade Law.

In addition to class, students had the privilege of meeting with a Mongolian Parliamentary member and Jack Weatherford, New York Times best-selling author of Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World. We also attended a cultural show, visited a history museum, and spent an entire day in the Mongolian countryside visiting the national monument of Genghis Khan, riding horses and camels, eating traditional food, lounging by the river, and holding eagles!

The program was amazing. Students from all over the world participated in class together based on the common language of the law. We had students from Mongolia, the US, Korea, and Uzbekistan in the same room learning the same material.

After the program, all three Regent Law students went on to serve as interns.  Brandan stayed in Mongolia to work with the National Legal Institute, the policy think tank of the Mongolian government. Brandan worked on various legal issues, including rule of law development, revising the commercial code, and promoting separation of powers. Anna and Reagan went to Korea to work with various organizations to combat sex trafficking, protect North Korean refugees, and advocate against abortion.