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CGJ Student Staff Update: Toolkit

By May 3, 2017December 16th, 2019JVI, Student Staff
Greetings! My name is Brandan Goodwin and I am finishing up my 1L year at Regent University School of Law. I am from Traverse City, Michigan and came to Regent because of many opportunities afford to me by this wonderful university in both advancing my academic career and my spiritual journey. I developed a wonderful relationship with Professor Walton and joined the Center for Global Justice, Human Rights and the Rule of Law. My first project was for Justice Ventures International and was focused on conducting a Business Toolkit for Freedom Business.

These Freedom Businesses are established for victims of human trafficking to get back onto their feet and develop modern economic skills to reintegrate into society. JVI provides such a wonderful service to not only combat trafficking but to create a solution to keeping these victims out of recurring traumatic situations. This Toolkit establishes a guide for developing 501(c)(3) non-profit businesses. It gives these emerging businesses a basic guideline to what documents need to be filed to gain this tax-exempt status and also what is important to file with the state to become a legal entity. This service is monumental because these non-profits do not have huge capital resources to pay for a business attorney to conduct all of this background paperwork and we at the Center can provide a basic guide that can be double checked by a licensed attorney and help these business save money and get to helping the oppressed.

The work that the Center does on projects like this one is monumental to these organizations in the work they do to help the poor and the oppressed. I am grateful for these wonderful opportunities that the Center has afforded me to help further the Christian mission and doing meaningful work in the world. For more information on JVI See –

This post was written by a Center for Global Justice student staff member.  The views expressed in this post do not necessarily reflect those of Regent University, Regent Law School, or the Center for Global Justice.