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CGJ Student Staff Update: Brandan Goodwin

By April 25, 2017December 16th, 2019Handong, Mongolia, Student Staff
Hello all and God Bless! My name is Brandan Goodwin and I am finishing up my 1L year at Regent University School of Law. I am on the student staff at the Center for Global Justice, Human Rights and the Rule of Law. The Center has allowed me a wonderful opportunity this summer to go and work with the Parliament of Mongolia and participate in a study abroad partnered with Handong International Law School.

What an amazing opportunity! I am very excited to work with the Mongolian Parliaments only Christian Parliamentary and do meaningful legal work in advancing the rights of Christians and the Rule of Law.  I will be going June 15 – August 5. During this time I will be splitting time between both the parliamentarian’s office and working with the Mongolia Rule of Law institute working on meaningful projects to further rule of law across the region.  This is an a wonderful chance do to meaningful legal work outside of the lectures or classroom and work on projects that have a real world impact for the people of another nation.

This post was written by a Center for Global Justice student staff member.  The views expressed in this post do not necessarily reflect those of Regent University, Regent Law School, or the Center for Global Justice.