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Student Staff Update: Chelsea Mack

By March 2, 2017December 16th, 2019JVI, Student Staff
This semester I am working on a project for Justice Ventures International (JVI).  JVI focuses on rescuing and restoring individuals trapped in human trafficking, empowering individuals stuck in cycles of poverty, and promoting justice for vulnerable people groups. This particular project entails researching numerous federal, state, and local laws regarding the creation and continuous obligations of nonprofit organizations.  All of this research will be compiled into a business toolkit that JVI can use to help nonprofit organizations that they call “freedom businesses.” These businesses employ former victims of human trafficking, and the toolkit will be used help them to fulfill all of their legal and tax requirements.  Most of the research involves looking through code sections for requirements for small businesses in addition to finding the exemptions for nonprofit organizations.

Chelsea Mack

Although reading through numerous sections of codes may become mundane at some moments, this project focuses on an area of law which fascinates me: nonprofit law.  Even before coming to law school, I had an interest in nonprofit organizations. Furthermore, last summer, I took a Nonprofit, Tax-Exempt Organizations course which turned out to be one of my favorite courses in law school.  Now I am able to apply some of the information that I learned in that course to this project which will hopefully be able to help former victims of human trafficking.  This project approaches global justice work in a nontraditional way, but the project is still vital to the restoration work conducted by JVI.

This post was written by a Center for Global Justice student staff member.  The views expressed in this post do not necessarily reflect those of Regent University, Regent Law School, or the Center for Global Justice.