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Update on Hope’s Case

By January 19, 2017December 16th, 2019Uganda
In a previous newsletter, we told you about Hope, a young girl who was kidnapped, kept on a shrine, had her blood drained, her tongue cut, and her teeth removed. Thanks to a legal letter we drafted, the prosecutor increased the charges in that case. While we were thankful, we were not sure how the case would turn out and whether we would be able to provide additional assistance to see the prosecution to the end. But God knew. 
In summer 2016, we sent three to interns to work with the Uganda Department of Public Prosecutions (our equivalent of the Attorney General). The following blog post is by one of those interns, Debbie Stieglitz. If you are unfamiliar with Hope’s story, and would like to learn more about her story and the work that has been done for her, you can see Debbie’s past posts here and here.
1/25/17: additional news story update at

I was blessed this morning to wake up to this fantastic post on my Facebook page.  Hope’s trial to convict the witch doctor that tortured her for one and a half years resulting in her cerebral palsy diagnosis began this morning!  

Three witnesses went forward today for Hope and the court has been adjourned for the day to resume again on January 25th.  Please keep Hope and the prosecution team in your prayers as they seek justice for Hope and to keep this witch doctor in jail so that he may not do to any more children what has been done to Hope.