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Update from Allen and Julie Anjo at YWAM Iin Kona, Hawaii

By November 14, 2016December 16th, 2019YWAM
Allen Anjo is a Regent Law grad (’13).  He and his wife, Julie, are missionaries and Legal Advisors to Youth With A Mission (YWAM), a missions organization that currently works in over 1,100 locations in more than 180 countries to send volunteer missionaries around the world to share the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Allen and Julie hosted one of our CGJ summer interns, Mark Martinez, this past summer.  Below is an update from the Anjos:

It has been an eventful month since the birth of Hannah, and our small family is getting into a new rhythm. We thank you for your prayers, gifts, and words of encouragement.

It has been two full years since we started on this ministry, and there have been many accomplishments and projects we are excited to have worked on.
We have been working with the base on many different legal issues such as:
  • Visa and immigration
  • Student policies
  • Insurance compliance
  • Risk mitigation
  • Contract reviews and negotiations
  • International copyright and trademark issues
  • ICANN internet dispute resolutions
  • Federal and state tax compliance
  • Tort law
  • Constitutional law
We have been seeking ways to bring justice to the least of these.
  • We started the School of Advocacy, Law, and Justicethis summer and will be running our next class this coming summer.
  • We are also starting a ministry focused on Constitutional development and foundations in Biblical Law 
  • We are working with several other Christian organizations to reach out to lawyers and other professionals to help them utilize their passion and knowledge as a ministry tool.
Thank you so much for your continued prayers and financial support that enables us to continue to carry out our ministry.
At this point we have not yet reached our monthly need and look forward to working together with you for the next year.
If you would like to join our ministry team, we have updated our support form which is available here
Our first family portrait!
Hannah and her cousins got to dress up for their first “Trunk or Treat”. As you can see, she didn’t enjoy the singing, but had a great time dressing up.
Samuel has been busy helping his Nana on the farm. He has grown up to be a helpful, young boy. He will be celebrating his 3rd birthday on November 8th.
Thank you for being part of a ministry that is using the law as a tool to reach out to those in need. It has been an eventful two years and we are looking forward to all the wonderful things God has planned.

If you would like more information on how you can be involved financially, please click here for some options.

Allen, Julie, Samuel and Hannah Anjo