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Center for Global Justice Starts Academic Year Under New Leadership

By September 2, 2016December 16th, 2019CGJ in the News
As some of you may already know, Jeff Brauch, one of the founders of the Center for Global Justice and current Regent Law Professor, has assumed the role of Executive Director of the Center.  We are very excited to have Professor Brauch at the helm.  He is an incredible legal scholar, a true servant leader, and, most importantly, he has a deep love for the poor and the oppressed.   

You may be wondering, then, what happened to Professor Stern, our former Executive Director. Prof. Stern, while still a Professor at Regent Law, decided to step down from his role as Executive Director of the Center.  But as the Lord was leading Prof. Stern to step down, he was leading Prof. Brauch to step in.  Although we will certainly miss Prof. Stern, we are incredibly grateful for his service.  Prof. Stern was instrumental in furthering our East Africa Initiative and making advancing the rule of law the foundation of the Center’s work.  To read one of Prof. Stern’s articles on this exact point, go here

Please also congratulate Ernie Walton on his promotion to the position of Academic and Administrative Director of the Center for Global Justice and to the position of Lecturer.  In addition to his expanded role with the Center, Professor Walton will be teaching four classes in the School of Law this year.