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Student Staff Update from Olivia Graef

By May 2, 2016December 16th, 2019Student Staff
Olivia Graef, ’17
At the Center for Global Justice, I have learned that “fighting for human rights” often looks different than the glorious pictures we conjure up in our imaginations. The students at the Center do not make raids out in the field or physically go out and rescue those who are enslaved. But we are hard at work nonetheless. We provide research so that countries can implement better legal systems, which will better serve justice and protect people. We write briefs to defend laws to hold criminals accountable. We compose manuals so that municipalities know how to preserve a safer environment for people. We conduct legal research for cases to ensure violent criminals are convicted.

How you “fight for human rights” will probably look different from our work. But I have realized that a fight so broad requires every effort whether that is donating, volunteering, writing letters to legislatures, or making a meal for a victim of injustice. It even includes sharing stories and ways to contribute on social media or setting up an Amazon Smile account so that a percentage of your purchase price goes to an organization fighting for to protect people from injustice. Please join us regardless of what it looks like.

Olivia Graef, ’17

This post was written by a Center for Global Justice student staff member.  The views expressed in this post do not necessarily reflect those of Regent University, Regent Law School, or the Center for Global Justice.