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Fighting for Children in Uganda

By March 14, 2016December 16th, 2019Kyampisi, Student Staff, Uganda
Courtney with Ugandan children
she met last summer
One of the many unique blessings Regent Law students have is the ability to attend Chapel on a weekly basis. We come together as a community to praise God through songs and prayer, as well as hear from a multitude of speakers. Peter Sewakiryanga, the Founder and Executive Director of Kyampisi Childcare Ministries (KCM), is one inspirational speaker we heard from last semester.

KCM is a non-governmental organization in Uganda motivated by its faith in Jesus Christ and dedicated to educating its community and advocating for vulnerable children. Specifically, KCM fosters outreach for child abuse, child trafficking, child sacrifice, and maltreatment in the rural areas of Uganda.

After hearing Peter’s testimony, I knew I wanted to help his cause—though I knew not how. Thankfully, the Center for Global Justice assigned three Student Staff members to help Peter and KCM this semester. My peers and I are working on developing legal arguments to help Peter advocate for two minor girls. One child had been forced into marriage, defiled, and impregnated, while another child was kidnapped, tortured, and subjected to sacrificial acts until ultimately becoming disabled.

Peter has a huge heart for these children and for spreading God’s love. It truly is a privilege to be able to use my legal skills to support him and his ministry. At times it is difficult to conduct fruitful legal research on a developing country’s law, but one grows tireless in persisting when thinking of the children such efforts may help save.

If you would like to learn more about KCM’s work, please visit:

– by Courtney Marisigan