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Student Staff Project Update from Stefani Goodnight

By November 2, 2015December 16th, 2019Student Staff
After graduating from a yearlong discipleship school, I was certain my calling was to be a missionary. As circumstances changed, however, I realized that the mission field was not going to be my first stop. One day while praying over my future I felt the sense that I was supposed to go to Law school. I wondered why God would ask me to take my life in such a drastically different direction? Despite my doubts, I knew that it is better to seek out God’s will than to follow my own path. Accordingly, I opened up my computer and searched for “Christian law schools.” The first result I clicked on was for Regent University, specifically the Center for Global Justice, Human Rights, and the Rule of Law.

As I read through the mission of the Center my understanding of God’s will for my life became very clear. Becoming a lawyer would not take me in a different direction, but would in fact equip me to serve God through seeking justice.

Today as I sit in the student staff workroom at the Center, sifting through endless legal codes to prepare a legal memo, I pause to reflect on why I am doing what I am doing. The answer is simple: to seek justice for one of America’s most vulnerable and least protected classes of citizens—unborn babies. It isn’t always glamorous work, but it is always work with a purpose. Who says a lawyer can’t be on a mission!