Ryan interned with the Jerusalem Institute of Justice, an organization dedicated to cultivating and defending the rule of law, human rights, freedom of conscience, and democracy for all people in Israel and its adjacent territories. During his time with JIJ, Ryan began work on a book project which will address the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement against Israel, with a goal of exposing the ideologies and messages that serve to undermine the rule of law and human rights in Israel and the Middle East.

For me, that’s a simple question to answer.
The biggest lesson I have learned while here in Jerusalem is a lesson about ideology. More specifically, a lesson about the ideology of injustice. Having long been more interested in why people do what they do more so than what they do, I guess this comes as no surprise. Thus, I have spent a lot of time considering the mindset that must exist in a culture, within a people group, even inside a person, to allow injustice to occur. I want to know why injustice occurs and how it spreads to engulf entire swaths of humanity.
I believe the reason injustice occurs is because it is allowed to grow, from an idea and message, into attitudes and eventual actions. Of course, acts of injustice are that which those in the legal field most often deal with: the outgrowth of ideas and messages. To fully understand injustice—and to combat it effectively—one must understand its ideology. To understand its ideology, one must trace its history, to seek out its roots, to understand its nature. To comprehend the ideology of injustice, one must trace the genealogy of the ideas that gave it birth.

We know that all injustice has its genesis, first and foremost, in sin. Injustice is a result of the Fall. It is a part of the curse that has descended upon the world until the day Jesus returns to complete His redemptive work on the Earth. But, if sin is the ultimate root, what comes next? What would follow in the genealogy of injustice?

The work I have been doing for JIJ is related to combatting the BDS movement (BDS stands for boycott, divestment and sanctions; a global movement to delegitimize Israel throughout the world). The BDS movement is really something altogether different than a movement, however. It is really a propaganda war against Israel and the Jewish people, an ideology of injustice that attempts to indoctrinate college students, primarily, into believing the only stable, democratic, Western nation in the Middle East is the problem. The BDS movement even goes further, degrading the Jewish people as a race, with its stated goal being the obliteration of the State of Israel as a Jewish homeland.

The BDS movement is, at its core, a movement of deception, one that attempts to hijack the moral high ground by making false comparisons between legitimate movements around the world, and their movement, which is anything but legitimate. As an advocate for justice, it is my duty to expose these false comparisons, and to persuade others to seek the truth. Further, the BDS movement attempts to use the current social justice language to enlist well-meaning people into their campaign, but does so in a manner which distorts the facts on the ground and allows for only one position, namely a position againstIsrael. Instead of being for peace or for human rights, the BDS movement is against Israel and the Jewish people.

Read Ryan’s first intern update >