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Twenty Days of Interns: Julianna Battenfield

This summer, 20 Center for Global Justice, Human Rights, and the Rule of Law interns are spread across four states and ten countries, going not only with the Gospel, but also with legal training and a passion to see the Lord’s justice carried out on a fallen earth.
Julianna interned with Advocates International South Africa, a branch of the international non-profit that links over 130,000 Christian legal advocates and jurists in over 156 nations. Advocates International works to promote the rule of law, justice, religious freedom, rights for families and children, and advocates for victims of abuse in order to speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves.
Julianna’s primary project was working with the African Commission for Human and People’s Rights to create a snapshot of where each African nation’s Constitution and case law currently stands in the areas of family life and religious freedom (including Sharia law) that will be used all over Africa by advocates so that they may strategically encourage nations to work together in matters of religious freedom and family law. She also researched and wrote briefs and participated in cases involving religious freedom, hate speech, sexism, and race-relations issues while also working at an orphanage on the weekends.

Whether fighting sex trafficking in India and Indonesia, advocating against partial-birth abortion in Europe, advancing the rule of law in Uganda, or securing religious freedom in Bulgaria and South Africa, our interns are making a difference.

See where all of our interns are working here >

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