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Twenty Days of Interns: Joseph Kohm III

By July 1, 2015Uncategorized
This summer, 20 Center for Global Justice, Human Rights, and the Rule of Law interns are spread across four states and ten countries, going not only with the Gospel, but also with legal training and a passion to see the Lord’s justice carried out on a fallen earth.

Joe spent six weeks in Tangerang, Indonesia at Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH), a Christian undergraduate university that is part of a network of Christian schools directed and funded by the Lippo Group. Joe worked for Professors Patrick Talbot and Jamie Williams of the law faculty by examining Indonesia’s human trafficking laws and creating a legal toolkit to educate judges and lawyers about the relevant authorities in sex trafficking cases and to combat corruption. Joe also assisted Professor Williams in researching what Indonesian laws apply to centers that provide education for refugees who were persecuted for their faith. 
Finally, he also aided Professor Talbot in finalizing and publishing Professor Talbot’s law review article, “Same-Sex Marriage and Religious Liberty Clashes in the U.S.: An American Constitutional Challenge.” Joe considers this experience to be something “God paved the way for” and he is “thankful to be blessed with this chance to help bring justice to vulnerable people in a small way.

Whether fighting sex trafficking in India and Indonesia, advocating against partial-birth abortion in Europe, advancing the rule of law in Uganda, or securing religious freedom in Bulgaria and South Africa, our interns are making a difference.

See where all of our interns are working here >

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