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Urgent Action Needed to Ensure that Virginia Enacts a Strong Sex Trafficking Law!

By February 23, 2015Uncategorized
Please see the email below from Kids Are Not for Sale in VA.  You can help get a sex trafficking bill passsed in Virginia in literally just 30 seconds.  Click on the link to sign the action alert, provide your information, and submit.

Urgent action needed to ensure that Virginia enacts a strong sex trafficking law!

Companion bills HB 1964 and SB 1188 will be reconciled in Conference Committee, and immediate action is needed to make sure the protections in the House version are retained in the final bill. Let the Conference Committee know that Virginia needs to give prosecutors and law enforcement powerful tools to combat sex trafficking in the Commonwealth by signing on to the action alert now!

Kids Are Not For Sale in VA is a collective effort between prosecutors, law enforcement, advocacy groups, hospitals, schools, and associations that support legislation that would establish a strong sex trafficking law in Virginia. Please check the KANFS webpage for updates!