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Alumni Profile: S. Ernie Walton (’11)

Many of Regent Law’s 2,500+ alumni are presently working in human rights law or are involved in agencies and organizations dedicated to rescuing the enslaved, trafficked, and oppressed. We hope you enjoy reading the following alumni profiles which represent a small portion of our many alumni literally changing the world.

S. Ernie Walton
Administrative Director for the Center for Global Justice 
Class of 2011

I came to Regent law for one reason: because God called me to use the law to fight injustice. Regent was the only place I knew where I would receive not only a top-notch legal education, but also a biblical perspective on human rights, two things I viewed as indispensable to preparing me to fulfill God’s call on my life. My first year was challenging and rewarding. I not only learned the law, but also how to think critically from a biblical worldview. At the end of my second year, Regent Law launched the Center for Global Justice, Human Rights, and the Rule of Law, much to my excitement. Through the Center’s internship grant program, I received one of four grants that year and was sent to Strasbourg, France to intern at the European Centre for Law and Justice. Using the law to protect persecuted Christians in the Middle East and to help secure the right to life for unborn children in Europe was exhilarating. I was doing what God had called me to do!

Through my internship, clerking with the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) throughout the school year, taking classes like international Trafficking in Persons from expert Kathleen McKee, and receiving excellent teaching in all of my law classes, I felt completely prepared to use the law to fight injustice at the end of my three years at Regent. I now stand here humbled that the Lord has graciously allowed for me to return to the Center for Global Justice to help prepare more advocates for justice. Take a look below and see what some of our alumni are doing in the human rights field.

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